Brock Family Videos

1990 1990 1991
Row 1: Brock Wedding 11/24/90 recorded by Howard Barton. Brock Wedding 11/24/90 recorded from balcony Baby Tape of Alisha beginning 7/20/91
Row 2: Baby Dedication & Alisha's 1st Birthday 7/17/92 Alisha's 2nd Birthday 7/17/93 Alisha's 3rd birthday 7/16-17/94
Row 3: Church dinner 1994; Thanksgiving @ Derek's; Decorating Xmas tree; Alisha's Antics! 11/94-12/94 Family - kids 12/94-2/95. Christmas with family; Alex & Alisha @ home; Alisha's church program After Alex's birth, Mimi visiting, Alisha singing. April 1995.
Alisha, Alex, Jessica, & Philip at Grandma and Grandpa's farm. Pleasant Hill VBS. More at mom and dad's with Alisha and Alex on front porch. June & July 1995. 2/95-4/95 Kids at the Alpharetta house; Alisha in Easter program at Pleasant Hill; Fern Bank Museum (dinosaurs); Alisha at Easter egg hunt at Trinity Presbyterian Church; Lauren's Birthday; Alisha singing with daddy at Alpharetta house. 5/95 Darris's graduation from ACC. House in Alpharetta.
Row 5: 7/95-8/95 Kids @ farm; Alisha's 4th Birthday; Savannah Trip; Baby Alex 10/95-12/95 Kids' Antics; Westside Church; Alex's 1st Birthday 12/95 Alisha and Alex; Alisha's Christmas Daycare Play; Pleasant Hill Christmas cantata with kids.
Row : 6 12/95-2/96 Family & kids; Christmas in Georgia; Snowfalls in Tennessee. Summer 1996; Kids - Daycare kids; Alisha's 5th Birthday 5/96 Kids antics; Darris's Ordination
Row : 7 10/96-3/97 Halloween; Alex's 2nd Birthday; Easter morning. 4/97-6/97 Alisha & Alex at home and farm; Sandbox construction; Alisha's kindergarten program. 7/97-10/97 Alisha's Dance Recital; Kids @ Farm; Alisha's 6th birthday; Halloween
Row : 8 Alex's Commercial 7/97 12/97 Alex's 3rd birthday; Church cantata Dec. 1997; Lisa's Daycare party; Christmas at the Branches
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Row : 9 7/98-9/98 Garrett's Birth (7/31/98); Trip to Georgia; Kids Antics Lanier kids singing; Easter @ Mimi & Pop’s; Sermons @ FCC, KY; midwife lecture. 3/99-6/99 Snowfall in Gray; Garrett as a baby; Kid’s Antics; Alisha’s 2nd grade award
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Row : 10 8/99 Garrett’s Baby Fair Contest; Kids Antics (Dates on tape are wrong due to battery) Alex’s 5th Birthday; Christmas 1999 Christmas 1999 cnt’d; Kid’s Antics 1/00-3/00
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Row : 11 4/00-7/00 Easter; Pop's 80th Birthday; Alisha’s 3rd grade awards & 9th Birthday; Santa Land; Alex’s 1st day of school 11/00-12/00 Carnival Cruise to Bahamas for 10th anniversary; Alex’s 6th Birthday; Garrett 12/00 Christmas at the Branches
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Row : 12 7/01 Kids at play; Alisha's 10th Birthday; Final scenes of Gray, TN; Niagara Falls, Canada; Thanksgiving in Canada; Alex's 7th Birthday; 12/16/01 - 12/25/01 Kid's Church Program; Alex's School program; Keara's birth; Christmas 2001. 12/01 Celtic Christmas program @ Churchill Meadows Christian Church; Christmas 2001 pt. 2.
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Row : 13 Tape malfunction; Dinosaur exhibit at ROM 3/02 - 7/21/02; Easter; Keara's 1st food; Alisha's 11th Birthday 7/01-12/02 Summer vacation in Tennessee & Michigan; Garrett’s 4th Birthday; Kids at play; Halloween 2002; Alex’s 8th Birthday. 12/02 Keara’s 1st Birthday; Christmas in Tennessee.
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Row : 14 4/2003 - 7/31/2003 (Canada) Easter morning; Kids at play; Alisha’s 12th birthday/slumber party. 8/13/03 - 9/05/03 Garrett’s first Bus Ride to Kindergarten; Discovery Museum; Lisa’s 39th Birthday; Barton Family Reunion; TVA & I Fair. 10/03/03 - 12/14/03 Fountain City & Norris Dam parks; Halloween; Oak Ridge Children’s Museum; Bookout Cemetery & car tour; Thanksgiving; Alex’s 9th Birthday.
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Row : 15 12/22/03-2/07/04 Keara’s 2nd Birthday; Christmas 2003; Alisha’s Karate testing 2/24/04 - 7/27/04 Alisha’s Karate Testing; Easter Egg Hunt & Easter morning; Garrett’s kindergarten graduation & MES awards ceremony; Alisha’s 13th birthday; Alisha’s karate tournaments; VBS @ Halls Christian Church July 31, 2004 Garrett’s birthday; Christmas 2004
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Row : 16 March 2005 New play structure Karate; Spring 2005; Easter; Karate; Mother’s Day; Karate demonstration; Keara wearing Indian headdress “alien princess”. Karate. Z
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