Why I am unimpressed with the Women’s March

Having watched portions of the Women’s March on television and Internet, I remain unmoved by it. The leaders were vile and vulgar. Ashley Judd and Madonna particularly disgraced themselves. “Hanoi Jane” Fonda is never a welcomed sight and yet she was on the screen. All three women had their own scurrilous comments about President Trump. They were cheerleaders for the […]

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Protests Vindicate Trump

Smashing a police car, climbing traffic lights, waving Mexican flags, and bloodying a Trump supporter. Protesters in California simply vindicated everything that Donald Trump and Ann Coulter have been saying about the illegal immigration problem. There was violence, lawlessness, and intimidation where these protesters went. Seventeen people were arrested from the crowd of about two-hundred. If it were not enough […]

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Republican Primary Rigged

Rigged Primaries

Rigged. That is the charge made by Donald Trump regarding the Colorado delegate assignments. Is he right? Of course he is. The GOP primary system is rigged to favor the party establishment as much as possible. The only thing different about this election cycle from previous ones is that people are able to see the sausage being made. Normally states […]

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Megyn Kelly and Donald Trump Meet

According to Megyn Kelly’s comments on her show last night, she initiated a meeting with Donald Trump in order to “clear the air” between them. She hoped it would lead to an interview in the future. For his part, on Hannity tonight, Trump said it was a “very nice” meeting. He seemed content that things had gone well but offered […]

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GOP Rule 40 Confusion

So far there has been a lot of confusion as to how the GOP rules for the potential contested convention work. Listening to Sean Hannity last night it seemed pretty clear that he thinks that Rule 40(b) requires that a candidate get a majority of the votes in eight of the state primaries that are taking place. I’ve heard some […]

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Time to Lose Cruz

Having started this election cycle pulling for Ted Cruz, it behooves me to say that it is now passed time to pull the plug on the Cruz campaign. This will sound like heresy to my conservative friends but the reasons are simple, practical, and compelling. The opportunity to break the power of the GOP status quo which has frustrated the […]

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