Women and Authority in the Church

The question of women leading in church has come to the public’s attention because of Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde’s remarks in a sermon before President Trump and Vice President Vance. Women holding positions as pastors is common among theologically liberal denominations such as the Presbyterian Church USA, Anglicans, United Methodists, Disciples of Christ, and other less organized Protestant groups. The […]

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Is Donald Trump a Conservative?

“Donald Trump is not a conservative!” That was probably the most prominent accusation that drew me to a meager defense of Donald Trump. It seemed so obvious that it was a false accusation which could be easily refuted. After all, the things he spoke about – illegal immigration, cutting taxes, job creation, eliminating government departments – these have been constant […]

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Republican Primary Rigged

Rigged Primaries

Rigged. That is the charge made by Donald Trump regarding the Colorado delegate assignments. Is he right? Of course he is. The GOP primary system is rigged to favor the party establishment as much as possible. The only thing different about this election cycle from previous ones is that people are able to see the sausage being made. Normally states […]

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Primary Problems

Millions more Americans than ever before are paying attention to the Republican primary this election cycle. Because of the scrutiny, flaws in the system are coming to light. Actually, they are only flaws according to voters not according to the party apparatus. To them, they are simply The System. Even though I have followed politics since at least the Ronald […]

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