Women and Authority in the Church

The question of women leading in church has come to the public’s attention because of Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde’s remarks in a sermon before President Trump and Vice President Vance. Women holding positions as pastors is common among theologically liberal denominations such as the Presbyterian Church USA, Anglicans, United Methodists, Disciples of Christ, and other less organized Protestant groups. The […]

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body of water between green leaf trees

Celebrating the Death of Roe

Americans should all be celebrating the long-overdue demise of the Roe and Casey decisions. It has been long noted that the Roe decision was considered to be judicial activism by the Supreme Court since the Constitution says nothing about abortion. The 1973 court simply created the idea as legal fiction. In undoing Roe, the Court kicked the issue back to […]

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President Trump prioritizes Christian Syrian refugees

Donald Trump’s prioritizing of Christian Syrian refugees over Muslim Syrian refugees has some people flustered and confused. But what he has done is both the highest moral good and what is best for America at the same time. This is in keeping with his America First campaign promise (to do what is best for America) and a reversal of the […]

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Ashley Madison Hacked

Some people had their eyes opened when the Ashley Madison files were released this week. The adultery site made some news when it came online a few years back. A few months ago it was in the news when it was hacked but it was not a household name. Some of my female Facebook friends and their female friends were […]

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The troubling trail to Gay Affirmation

Plenty of rational people remain befuddled at how we got to the point of having same-sex marriage imposed upon the country. It still “doesn’t make sense”. Past articles here have been written about some of the delusions in the pop culture of our time that have led us into this “Twilight Zone” type of existence. The process of mental erosion […]

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